New Customer Forms

We are so happy you have decided to join our growing family! Please know we are here to help you in any way we can and to answer any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to ask!

A few things we would like you to know:

Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm but you may call the office any time and leave a message and we will respond promptly. You can also submit a request on our website, and we respond as soon as possible. 

Our delivery options are Auto Fill and Will Call. If you decide to take the responsibility of watching your own tank on our Will Call program, please be sure to contact us when your tank gauge reads between 20%-30% to ensure us plenty of time to make the delivery. 

If you allow your tank to run out of gas, please contact us to schedule a time for one of our delivery drivers to meet you at the home to make a delivery and perform a system test. Please refer to the “Out of Gas Policy”.


If at any time you smell propane evacuate the structure and contact our office immediately for further instructions. If you are able and feel comfortable doing so go to the tank and turn the shut off valve to closed. Do NOT reenter the structure for any reason until a service technician has been there to inspect the leak and has advised you that the structure is safe, and you may reenter. Please refer to the “What to do if you Smell Gas” policy. 

We strongly recommend installing propane gas detectors and carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home. Visit our website and click on the link to purchase your detectors today and to ensure your family’s safety. 

Please visit our website for safety tips, to pay your bill and much more!!!

We are so glad you have decided to join our growing family and we look forward to servicing all your propane needs!! Our focus is keeping you and your family warm and safe!! 


Your friends at Miami Erie Propane

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